Saturday, September 10, 2011

Haiti Medical Mission Trip Pictures Part 3

Getting ready for the patients 

Busy seeing patients 

Saying good bye.

Our Second Mobile Clinic at Santos, a rural Haitian community.  
Picture of team on the way to Santos

It was very hot in that tent!

Busy seeing patients

Toenail removal in the back of a car

Our busy pharmacy.  It was hard to keep the medications on those benches
The Pastor thanking us for our hard work.

The view on the way to the mountain clinic.

Our mobile pharmacy

 On a break 


Till we meet again... Bone Diu Venue (God Bless You!)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cody and I finially caught our big fish!

 Cody happy with the fish he caught with dad's help.

 We got our limit for that day.  It helps when you are on a salmon charter. 
Thank you Puget Sound Sports Fishing!

The catch of the entire boat.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Haiti Medical Mission trip from April 2011 Part 2

 Empact Haiti residents partnered as translators and helped us navigate our way around Haiti...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Haiti Medical Mission Pictures from April 2011

Sending off the team...

Port au Prince -Heat and Humidity greeted us as we arrived and crammed into a tap-tap (public taxi)

Evidence of the earthquake still lingers...

Our first clinic was at Bojeux Parc, an amusement park converted into a free clinic after the earthquake, it was a good experience to observe how a clinic operates in Haiti
Surgical bed
Tents for procedures and privacy
Medical supplies at Bojeux Parc
Seeing patients at Bojeux Parc

To be Continued...