Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Haiti Medical Mission Trip with Northshore Baptist and EMPACT NW

Dear Friends and Family,
How has your 2011 been so far?  As some of you know, I have recently started working at Providence Physician Group’s newest clinic and with this change my office is now five minutes away!  So now I come home for lunch every day (unless Jean decides to bring lunch).  Life is good!  Along with the change of jobs (and taking a break from the administrative side of medicine), there has also been a welcomed change of pace.  I’m now able to spend more time with family.  Rediscovering my enjoyment of practicing medicine has been helpful in taking on the challenge of building a practice from the ground up too. 
With more time on hand, I have also been able to reflect on my call to healing.  Over the years, through prayer and personal experiences, I have felt that my personal mission is to glorify my Lord Jesus through being an agent of healing to others both physically and spiritually.  This had led me to my service in the small groups ministries at the churches I’ve attended and my decision to work and volunteer at a number of clinics that serve the medically underserved.   However, all the while, I have also been looking for an opportunity to participate in medical missions.  I truly believe that God has given me this change of work (and pace) so that I would be free to pursue such opportunities.
Last year, I was made aware that our church, Northshore Baptist (NSB), was sending a team to Haiti to help with the earthquake relief efforts.  After expressing interest I realized this could be the real deal.  And, it is!  This April, I will have the opportunity to go to Haiti on a medical mission trip through my church Northshore Baptist in partnership with Empact Northwest.  Our team will be going to Haiti from April 1-10, 2011.  We will be providing outpatient medical care through hospital based clinics and mobile clinics in various communities in the country.  As I think about this, I am still in awe and my mind keeps saying “You're going to Haiti…? You're going to Haiti! Are you Crazy?”  I confess, Haiti was never on my radar of “places to go for a medical mission trip”.  I know this will be challenging me both spiritually and professionally.  My church has been studying the Gospel of Mark for the past few months. The key verse, Mark 10:45:
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
What most impress me about this verse is how God came to serve us.  Thus, as a reflection of Him, I am sent to serve those in Haiti.  So, I will put aside my fears and inadequacies and trust the Lord and go to Haiti. 
Will you partner with me by supporting me and my team as we do the Lord’s work in Haiti?  I will need to raise $1350 for this trip.  This will cover airfare, food and lodging etc.  I would like very much to raise above this amount, so that we will have enough funds to also purchase much needed medical supplies and also help other team members who may not be able to raise their full amount of support. 
My prayer requests are as follows:
·         Preparation – physically and spiritually for the trip,
·         Safety for team – we will be arriving just after Haiti’s political elections (there has been travel advisories issued against being there),
·         Wisdom and discernment – deciding where to set up our mobile clinics (for the need is great),
·         Medical supplies – we will bring what is most needed for the trip and that it would be effective,
·         Fostering relationships – the team would make a difference not simply in the health, but also in the lives, of all who come for medical care,
·         My family – Jean will remain healthy while I’m away and the boys will be well-behaved…

Thank you for reading and considering how you may support our team’s efforts to caring for the people of Haiti.

Trusting Him, Chiyang Wu

Support Form
1.      Make checks and money orders payable to Northshore Baptist Church.
2.    Mail in the donations to the individual you are supporting, so the team member can track their individual funds.
3.    Please indicate “Chiyang Wu- Haiti Medical Mission Trip” in the memo field on the check.
Yes!  I would love to partner with                                                                         on his/her team with Northshore Baptist Church.
                        Prayer Support                                                  Financial Giving
  $25               $50               $75               $100               $150              Other            

Name:                                                                                             Phone:                                              
City:                                                                                  State:                                       ZIP:                

Support Form
1.      Make checks and money orders payable to Northshore Baptist Church.
2.    Mail in the donations to the individual you are supporting, so the team member can track their individual funds.
3.    Please indicate “Chiyang Wu- Haiti Medical Mission Trip” in the memo field on the check.
Yes!  I would love to partner with                                                                         on his/her team with Northshore Baptist Church.
                        Prayer Support                                                  Financial Giving
  $25               $50               $75               $100               $150              Other             

Name:                                                                                             Phone:                                              
City:                                                                                  State:                                       ZIP:                